I started an app that uses weather and tide info from the net.
My actutal problem is, that one website changed their server and now doesn't supply one of their csv tables anymore. They embeded their tabel data in the inner html body?, as far as I know, and I cant get the data from the table. The webadresse is https://www.lubw.baden-wuerttemberg.de/wasser/fliessgewaesserdaten?id=2839#tabelle . I managed to import the data excel by using datafromweb or copy/paste the innerHtml but how does it work with appinventor? I tried some things with the webtext.get and the webviewer blocks but still no result.
Can anybody give me some help on this, thanks.
Thank you for the quick reply!
The aim of the app is to calculate a tendency, weekly and last 48h based, triggered by user action using the actual date and time. The public data is updated I think once a month and this would not work as data is not available at the actual event.
Greetings A.Wagner