Hello everyone, I am trying to create an app that receives data via Bluetooth and graphs it in a "ChartData2D". So far so good, the graph works, I can stop it, restart it, do various actions.
Now as the second part I want to implement a form of training, in which I can enter the rest times, contraction and the number of repetitions. Once these 3 data have been entered, I press a start button and I hope that some beeps are heard according to the established times and that the graph continues to work. But that's not the case, the beeps are heard but the app goes into a kind of freeze, which affects the entire screen since during that time nothing works on the screen, not even the graphics or even if I try to raise or lower the phone volume. When the beeps end, the graph is quickly painted with the values it would have if it worked all the time. It's very strange, I don't know if there is any kind of solution or if I'm doing something wrong.
Good morning, I hope for your help.
You need a clock timer coupled to a global list of sounds and durations, or switch to a Player and have it peel off the next sound file from a global list when it finishes the current file.
According to the information you gave me, it is impossible for both things to work at the same time even if I do what you put there, right? It states that only one event can occur at a time, and that if more actions have to be carried out, they will be carried out one after another, but always waiting for the previous one to finish.
If so, thank you for your response