I saw now that you added an Arduino code
Just please be aware that when you senddata to the app, only the last sending of a message shall be ended with a println(),
In other words: each println() terminates one message so, if within a message you want to transmit more values, you can do it, and only the last value shall be transmitted via a println(). In this case, to separate each value transmitted within a single message you can compose a message by separating the values with a separation character, for example a ';' or a '|'. The app, once received the complete message (terminated by the println(), )shall parse the message looking for the separators (';' or '|') and split the values in one list.
something like:
The encryption requires that every time a communication is established, a BT pin is supplied, this is really annoying 'tll the development is in progress. Typically I leave it not set.
EDIT (twice) the image was wrong, now it's correct