You have been provided with two working examples in previous posts. Look again at how they work.
Simplify, do the translation for just one thing, on one screen, and get that working, then you can develop on from there.
You have been provided with two working examples in previous posts. Look again at how they work.
Simplify, do the translation for just one thing, on one screen, and get that working, then you can develop on from there.
well thank you!! it is working for this screen
now i will make changes to the other screen
thank you so much!!
If you are going from Screen "settings" back to Screen1 (having come from Screen1), you need to use "close screen" not "go to another screen".
see also chapter "Some Notes" here (thanks Taifun )
I have to assume you have changed the language in settings to Hindi, saved this to the tinydb, then gone to Screen1 or restarted the app ?
yes i have saved the language in TinyDB under the tag"LANG"
In companion, I can't get Yandex to change to change a Screen Title.....
yes therefore i have decided to not change the screen title
yes but there is a navigation bar that i have made for my app
from there also a user can open the "settings" Screen from any screen of the app
In which case the link I provided for switching screens is even more important!
there is a message that i want to show only once ,when the screen is opened for the first time
so what should i do?
i have made the changes according to the link
and after changing the language in settings now when we return to screen 1 the labels completely blank out
these are working and changing the screens but still there is problem with translation
also when i change the language and disconnect the companion and reconnect it the label in the settings screen remains translated although in the spinner Hindi is not selected
You can use the guide I created to translate the app in the most efficient and easy way, here:
If you are not building your application in kodular, you can use this extension (it can also be done with dictionaries):