I want the textbox to accept only numeric input

You could always use regex extension by @Kevinkun to validate numbers for example only integers or even only positives numbers.
For example this will accept only positive integer numbers in calculations otherwise it will return 0 in textbox


Please post a screenshot of the "application failure".

isNumber always returs the correct booleans:

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This is the failure message:

Show the blocks (like I did).


This is the result if I add the - character with out any number with it:

and this if I add numbers:


Try this and see if it works for you
numbers_only.aia (7.8 KB)

Great keyboard and easy to build but only positive numbers out

Same keyboard I get .. the space bar is disabled and "-" can easily be filtered out as I already gave blocks for

So where is the problem?

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Easy enough to add a - key, but not in the original OP's request....

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Agreed but maybe I misread? I thought he was ONLY concerned with "-" in the case where ONLY "-" was entered as the only character .. appeared to me -1 etc was ok

I like the keyboard and built one very similar to lookup telephone prefixes a couple months ago

Looks like something I could use. Wish I could read ummmm Korean?

No need to know korean, you can always translate page to english :slight_smile:

Also have a look at


Thanks MUCH. Mucho Gracias! Yes I am familiar with RegEX algorthims and have used such techniques in years past in other languages. So fast and so easy for handling large lists.

@dora_paz where is the translate button?

Ok still newbie .. my jargonese dictionary doesn't have OP in it yet? :rofl:

It means Original Poster, but since the original query is called a Topic....

Thank you @ChrisWard

If you are using Chrome browser, just right click and you will find the entrance how to translate the web.

The image already explain everything, do you really need the English translation?
and the website is in Chinese, not Korean.

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谢谢, Xièxiè

I have firefox and don't see a translator.

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