I need help to build new extension for counts of faces detection just number of it

hi ...
i need help in my app , i want to build a new faces detection extension. no need to compare or any complications just need to get out the numbers of faces detect by camera . and still get out that detection every time calling this function by external timer

second stage is get out then of faces but when faces is at 0 degree Angle of inclination .

then get out that number but at any faces has smaller than any Angle of inclination

can you help me to do that extension..?

Do you want to count faces in your camera image? You might be able to use the advice regarding:

Angle of inclination; does this mean you trying to establish whether the image shows a person's full face or face in profile?

Perhaps [PAID] ImageLabelling: Label images with ML Kit [$8 or INR 551]

not that i mean , i want to count the faces which focused directly to camera , if any face just has angle of inclination with respect to camera let count decrees and so on..