I have a problem with the time selector, 1:00 I want it to be 01:00 in the list viewer, but adding a zero already makes it in the early morning hours 02:00,09:00, but from 010 :00, 017:00, 023:00, that's my problem

Hello, I have a problem with the time selector. Before, I had that problem with the minute. I chose 1:00 p.m. in the list viewer it showed 13:0. I added a zero to the minute. Now it's fine. The problem now is when I select the time, if I choose 1:00, I added the 0 ahead and it comes out 01:00, the problem is also the PM, let's say 13:00, after selecting in the list viewer it comes out 013:00, and like this with the other hours 023:00, it is fine in the early morning hours but in the pm hours it is already an error, the problem is with the time selector, please help


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