I got MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permssion.I can write file,but I cann't read file

I applied for the MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission through the activity. I can write files to external storage, but strangely, when reading files, an error message appears saying 'The permission READ.exe TERNAL_STAGE has been denied.'. Can someone help me take a look? thank you.

FileReadAndWriteTest.aia (6.3 KB)

My phone's os version is android 14.

App inventor blocks


I need to read files from the root directory.

I just solved it.First,you must use new de.bodymindpower.MFile.aix.Second,the path of file must add prefix "file:///storage/emulated/0/". :smiley:

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Yes, exactly as I said in my guide How to request and grant MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission.

As I have suggested several times over the last months/years, it should be up to the user to request storage permissions when needed. Last here:


Thank you so much,Anke.