I don't know the package name of my app

I published my application on the Amazon store and I want to link it with admob, however I have no idea where to find the package name of my application that admob is asking for, could anyone help me?

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Please search before creating a new topic.
See here,

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The package name for App Inventor apps is


Learn more from here,


I managed to find it, thank you very much.

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I created an app in app inventor whose package name is: appinventor.ai_carlosnobre2003.question_game, I posted this app in the amazon app store, but apparently the admob team was unable to find the app in the store and indicated that the problem could be the name of the package, does anyone have any idea how to solve this?

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Are you sure, that this is the package name?
How did you find it out?
Whai is your email address?
What is your project name?
Note, that these are case sensitive


I followed the tutorial that Jewel linked.

Well, it looks like you made an error
Unfortunately without further information noone will be able to help


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