I am trying to make an chat app and I have completed 3/4 of it. I have a problem in it. My chats are shown in the listview only when I send an new chat.Why is it so?

When I come to my chat screen my list view is empty but when send any message such as " Hi " my previous chats are visible.
( Please tell me a solution soon as I am running out of time and I need to publish this by today evening. )

The only thing you will have to do is that you need to retrieve the data using the Get Value for Tag in Screen1.initialise and Listview.elements to the value recieved.

can you show the pic of codes.

Make like this example :

This is how my listview when used in phone.

so has your problem been resolved?

thankyou it worked

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I have this problem too, cany you solve this.

Okay, i will try

I have made a chat app like thing . When I use that app in my phone I couldn’t scroll the listview. Why is it so?

you mean, you can't scroll with your finger?

Yes I can scroll the page but not the list view.

Set screen scrollable to false.

follow what @Alaqmar_Bohori said

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yeah i went to his page but i couldn't find the solution

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Thank you for closing this topic :kissing_heart: @App_developer

Thanks Salman_Dev it is a pleasure that you helped me a lot I have found its solution ( WE HAVE TO SET THE LIST VIEW HEIGHT TO AUTOMATIC ) .

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