HTTP POST request doesn't work (and select file with filepicker to upload)

html/* should be text/html

What do you see in Label2 ?

Is a file created in PickedFiles ?

Set another label to capture the uriString

Wait I didn't saw that message at first I'm trying right now and it's seems to work but the server don't respond let me checked

Not quite :wink:

You should also be using Web1.GotText NOT Web1.GotFile...

ok so there is the news

I tried the extension you send me and the path that I got look perfect BUT when I tried to read the file froim the path to verify it tells me that:


As expected, the JewelFilePicker stores a copy of the file in the private area of your app (companion) this is not (as in your case)/may not be accessible to other components.

Ok so apparently it can read the file by using the URI instead of the PATH.
So now I can read the file but when I tried to send it no response.
I'm trying to bluid the apk it keep disconnecting

Please try my SAF example with the corrections I suggested.