I have been trying to crack this problem for some time but i am no expert in C/C++ programming nor the MIT App Inventor functionalities.
I want to know if it's possible to make an Android app using MIT App Inventor that would read the sensor data at a regular time interval from my Arduino UNO but also allow commands to be sent from the app. The Arduino UNO is connected to a Bluetooth module HC-05 as well as a sensor (MPU-6050 which gives data from the integrated gyroscope and accelerometer) and a DC motor. So, i want to display the sensor readings on the app but also allow to enter the PWM value to be sent to the Arduino to control the speed of DC motor.
Also, for the Android app implementation, is it possible to do it all on the same screen in App Inventor or is it better to have the sensor readings on one screen and then make a second screen to enter the PWM value to be sent as a command to the Arduino? I would prefer to have it all on the same screen.
Thank you for any help. It is much appreciated.