How do you get music info from music apps like Spotify?

Hi everyone,
I'm new here. I would like to create a one-page app that gives me the most important information. For me this includes the music that is currently playing. Does anyone know how I can integrate data such as artist, title and maybe album cover into this app?
Thanks in advance!

I don't think that would be easily possible without an API key (if Spotify even has one) or with an extension

OK, thanks for your reply. Something like this can be created as a widget with KWGT (Kustom Widget), so I thought it might be possible with App Inventor. Not only does it show the Spotify information, it also shows the YouTube and browser information.

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You can POST/GET data using the Web component. The instructions for setting the API up are on the same site.
See tutorials such as this for usage of the Web component.

Though, with how easy the KWGT thing looks to set up, I personally don't think making an app is worth the effort.

This further complicates things.....

Wait there is a Spotify API key? I would not think that Spotify would have one.

well that is annoying.

Thanks for your answer, I'll try it soon!

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