How do I get data from airtable and store in global varialble

How to get data from airtable and store in global varialble. I have searched and find some similar topic but I do not get solution

Maybe these two topics were missed out?

I checked kvinkun extension but it do not work in app inventor

Hi friend! You can use the following extension:

I also check this

You said 'not work in app inventor', but how? any feedback?

@Kevinkun show me how to get data from airtable with your extension because I do not how to get data from airtable with your extension

Why not read the extention document and try by your self? If any question, then ask here.

I am using airtable classic. When I connect with companion the extension did not work but when I refresh companion work it works thanks all of you

You can also use the Web component without an extension:
Help API Documentation List records response

Update Patch result When Screen1 ErrorOccured When Web1 GotText

You need to use ai2-test server for the Web1.Patch block though, coming soon ...

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Thank you @ABG and @TIMAI2

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