How do you display all the data in the first row taken from a MySQL database?

I've done it and it works.
at this time I changed the data storage method to mysql in one column as shown below


How do I change the data in the coordinate column to a list to display again with this


i hope someone will help me

See the List picker.AfterPicking event from the example app how to do it



I want to display all the data in the first row of the coordinate column into lbl_Result, how do I do that?
i tried in this way


but only show one data.

you question actually is about how to select your data from your MySql database... this question actually is not related with the Location Service extension... I will move it into its own thread...

which result do you get after sending this SQL statement to your table?
SELECT kordinat FROM yourTablename WHERE trip = 8082749955


i mean like this

the experiment I did before, 1 trip with a distance of 50 KM which coordinate was inputted into mysql as much as 285 rows,


I changed it by storing the data in only 1 row


This is my question, and I have solved it


this is the result

But when I choose another trip, an error message 3408 appears

this is your design decision... I would't have done it... you could have several rows for a trip in your table as you had it previously...


unfortunately I'm not familiar with that MySQL error and a Google search does not give any hint...
try to find out, what is different compared to the working row


Thank you @Taifun for your attention and suggestions. I really appreciate it