Please note that I am using a translator so that everyone can understand more clearly. I want to solve the problem in the block because after entering the data the word false is returned to me, and I want to save the user data with the same phone number and email because the user names may be similar.
I hope to get help because I know that it is easy for professionals here, and I hope that you do not send me to other posts because by watching many videos the information became conflicting, and I became confident in the practical experience of the codes through testing in the application.
Do you want help with your own blocks and project, or do you want to understand what is happening in my guide? Or both ? You are working with cloudDB, which is not related to the guide, so I moved your post back here...
i use cloud to save id and pass on clouddb redis / and will use tinydb to save user data on his own phone because i dont know if i can you clouddb to save all data.. sorry my knowldge about storage is low and my project app is simple but so i wish to get help to finish it to share with friends and when it succed i will try to find somone to make abtter app this app will be for starting collect friends to work togther and save there data [ [ name . phone . email . town . date ]] if i can save all in clouddb this will be better
If you are just beginning with AI2/cloudDB, it is best to start with something simple. Once you have that working you can move on to the next step, test, get it working, then move on to the next step. Don't try to do everything at once.
i made this blocks but when i register as user1 and register with another account user2 i saw the data of user1 , also only the date of rigster did not be saved , and text in the orange circle [ hint text 7 ] deleted [mod edit tags deleted]
It is difficult to advise without seeing all your relevant blocks from all screens, and without you confirming the data stored in your tinydb.
I might recommend that you seek to handle all this one just one real screen, and use vertical arrangements (showing and hiding them) to manage the various aspects of creating profiles and signup/signin.
I believe your issue is that you are storing a single set of values to a single set of tags in tinydb, therefore the same content will be returned regardless of which user is signed in on the device.
Sorry for the many questions, excuse me. Do you mean that I should download the application to another phone and the fields [name, phone, email, city and date] will be empty as the first time and I can add other data as a new user? And why did the date field not save the data? And if I want to replace tinydb with clouddb and repeat the same block order, do I need to change the phone as well? And how can I link clouddb in screen 1 with clouddb in screen 2
Notes regarding cloudDB if planning to use it in production:
by all means use the MIT provided cloudDB for testing, but you should really use your own redis server. MIT offers no guarantees regarding data security and persistence.
you should hash your passwords to protect your users data