How do you skip the title row in Google Sheets using the gVizQuery?

I'm using gVizQuery.

only issue is that when I type the wrong only numbers, it does not display 'Password not matching. If i use number with letter is working.

@TIMAI2 please help me with this issue

I guess issue with string I guess number need to convert into string but I dont know how to convert.
issue close to these places

Show your response content for a successful and unsuccessful "password"

What about simplifying your query and get only B from the spreadsheet?

Select B where A = Login_tb.Text



I tried not working! I would like to match only A columb


Well, obviously you have to adjust your blocks in the GotText event then

Learn to debug your project!

Use the companion app and Do it to debug your blocks, see also tip 4 here App Inventor: How to Learn | Pura Vida Apps
see also Live Development, Testing, and Debugging Tools


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

You need to do this:



If the "password" entered is not in the spreadsheet, then nothing is returned, if the password entered is in the spreadsheet then a list of lists is returned once you convert to a list from csv table. you therefore have to select item twice in order to get to the value of A returned

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Now it's working BUT when I enter wrong Number with letter it's not showing message

Set the NumbersOnly property of the textbox to true

no maybe in future it'll be number with letter. What will I do in that case. So it's better to bas as it's. I need solution!

You have to change your query to alphanumeric and use quotes

... where A = 'some text'


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Now correct password it's showing incorect and with others are ok

Read again my previous answers about how to see the raw response content and how to debug your project


Now all are working in this way

Here is my ready login page

Thank you so much for helping and suggestions
@TIMAI2 @Taifun @ABG

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