How do you randomize a list?

The first screen gives me same index for variables logoList,answerChoice,answerList but after pressing the nextBtn it gives me different index for the variables logoList,answerChoice,answerList example.
In question 1 it gives me index 1 in logoList,answerChoice,answerList after pressing the nextbtn it gives me index 1 for logolist index 2 for answerChoice index 3 for answerList.

I want them to give me same index after pressing nextbtn


here is my aia
GUESSTHELOGO00 (2).aia (3.6 MB)

you are not following my suggestion.


already got it with some tricks
by deleting the index of the answerChoice and answerList using the index of logoList

and calling the procedure2 under the correct and incorrect function

Using the example from my snippets you got a random index
Just use the same Index for the other 2 lists to get the corresponding items from these lists
