How do you open in appinventor url that use JS?

i used Webviewer to open my website and it's ok for almost all pages but in some pages that i use javascripts that functions dosent work!

i remember there was some "browser" that can be added via aix that solve the problem but cannot remember name and link

Do you know which javascript functions are not working ?

        function validateForm() {
            var inputs = document.querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"]');
            var matches = {};
            inputs.forEach(function(input) {
                var matchId ='[')[1].split(']')[0];
                if (!matches[matchId]) {
                    matches[matchId] = false;
                if (input.checked) {
                    matches[matchId] = true;
            var allSelected = Object.values(matches).every(function(value) {
                return value;
            if (!allSelected) {
                alert('Per favore, inserisci un pronostico per tutte le partite.');
                return false;
            return true;

i think this script

Can't see anything obvious that would cause a problem

this is the whole php

Does it work OK on your computer browser, native device browser - on your phone ?

yes works both on pc desktop chrome and edge and smartphone using chrome

i'll test native browser now but i think yes

works also with native browser!

You could try running it with the webviewextra extension if you want to stick with the webviewer, or switch to using CustomWebview extension, and see how you get on.


so i can download from here: GitHub - vknow360/CustomWebView: An extended form of WebViewer with more customization and flexibility (For MIT AI2 and its distros)
then take the aix import it in appinventor and then call url from customWebView! right?

Yes, from my link I suggest you learn how to set it up correctly.


to test it i tryed.. but companion loads and crashes with no errors

As I suggested, you need to read the topic to understand how to set up customwebview correctly.


and the webpage that before doesn't work now it's fine!

thank you

in screen1 i cannot find anymore how to change icon of apk is it changed?

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