Please show your relevant blocks where you handle the locationChanged event and store the user and coordinates to the cloudDB and how you pass the details to the second screen, on one screen, then how you display the passed information on the second screen.
I do not see this activity in any of your screens blocks
It seems that you did not follow any of my advice above.
What happens is that the shape of the project changes, to make it easier.
I want them both to see the same screens, since if I do more, it would be more complicated.
Now I'll give you a diagram like I did the other time.
You need to include some blocks which save the name of the user and their location to cloudDB, so that it can be seen by another user with the DataChanged event. You have not included any of these blocks in your app, so it is of no wonder that it does not work.
Why not make a small test project using my example blocks to test out the method?
I understand what you mean, but I want it to be sent automatically without any button. And instead of seeing the written length, it is seen on a map, all on the same screen.
I would be adding a map component to what is already required. You would need to pan to the location set, and perhaps adjust the zoom to see both markers...
The locator section, I don't know how to approach it. For example, I don't know if what is set works for me, or I have to change everything, also on the other screens they are not saved in the cloud, even though I have the CloudDB block.
You could look at my project and see what happens to it.
I have tried to do what you told me in a new project, but I can't understand it.
Hello, happy new year to all of you who are helping me. Someone could enter the app and change whatever is necessary so that the information is saved from the cloud. And so that the location goes well for me.
Hello, I know I'm very annoying but I need someone to finish my application program because I don't have time.
The two things I need your help for are;
Save the information in the cloud, I have some blocks with TInyDB and I don't know how to change it to the cloud.
On the location screen you can see the location of the devices that have this application open.
Here I leave the project in AIA so that you can look at it and correct me what I have wrong. TdR.aia (804.9 KB)
Thank you very much and please tell me something as soon as possible.
School work should really be done by yourself and not others. Why not show the blocks that you have problems with. I think we have enough topics on the community about using CloudDB.
I have to present the work in a few days and that's why I need someone to help me finish it and since my teacher doesn't know much about programming, I thought that here they could help me so I can finish it.
I've been searching for 3 months and I can't find anything and at my school they haven't taught me much about programming. What I have done was with video and information that I have seen in the community.
I think the blocker is the complexity of your application, which would first have to be understood to be able to debug it, which takes a lot of time. The second inconvenience is that everything is in a language that not everyone knows. So if you have a problem understanding something, present this problem in a simple project created just for this purpose, with UI in English.