First option would be to view the image via an image component instead of a web view. Otherwise, you need to make an HTML page template that you can load into your App, modify the full path to the image, save, display in a web view.
@TIMAI2 In the following JS, can I use image picker and then pass the reference to the html file using webviewstring?
// set webviewstring in AppInventor to "<imagefilename>,altText"
// no commas in the altText !
var img = window.AppInventor.getWebViewString();
document.getElementById("myImage").src = img.split(",")[0];
document.getElementById("myImage").alt = img.split(",")[1];
It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks as well as the complete html, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.
i have list history chat , and all imgae saved at google drive.
Now, i show all by html in wedview.
it words.
but after i send a new messenger, or have new mesenger from my friends in groups.
it need reload all ( Text, and image) from google drive..
Now i want save all data to phone, after i sent new mesenger or have new mesenger. i only load it.
Can you teach me : another way to solve it ?
Many thanks
I imagined that I could find and access files in the downloads or document folder, but in reality it only entered a list of files that I didn't recognize from the device (no document or download files)