i'm using a listview with spreadsheet and (GAS)
I think you have to connect to MIT AI2 companion to enable the "do it" option.
ok you where rite,
RunTime Error:
Cannot parse text argument to "list from csv table" as a CSV-formatted table
Use the companion app and Do it to debug your blocks, see also tip 4 here App Inventor: How to Learn | Pura Vida Apps
see also Live Development, Testing, and Debugging Tools
Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.
Ok, Can you show The Spreadsheet Url.
I think there is something wrong with that.
ok, I'm not sure
but I think this is not the correct Url.
This Url it's just the spreadsheet page
Try this instead,for the Url of the "WEB2" component.
edit: tested and works for me and there is no problem. I don't know about you.
i haven't given you my aia how have you tested it
I didn't create your whole project,
I Just tested Getting Data from spreadsheet.
The Url you sent me was not working and was giving me error
I deleted everything after slash and replaced it with export?format=csv
this will export the csv file.
so I think this also works for you
Just try that and if it's not working let me know.
will let device charge abit i'll test app an let you know
You know now how to 1) get the raw response content and you know how to 2) use Do it
Now combine that together and follow again @Peter's tip from here
Why are there no requests on that sheet?
i've found where the problem lies, it's in web2.gotText
Error: Error from Companion: the variable $responseContent is not bound in the current context
no submissions yet!!
Can't test without test data.