How do I upload image to google drive then send link into the google sheet?

It's not picking the taken image. It's just black picture in canvas. Yes, the folder link is correct.

From what you say the issue is in the app, in that after you take a picture to base64, this then shows as a black image in the canvas ?

Yes it shows the black picture in the canvas and the same picture uploaded to gdrive after clicking upload button

Have just run a test with companion app, not having any problems returning base64 to an image in the canvas, with front or rear camera. Check your value in global current photo.

Thanks for the response, but how to check its value?

After taking photo you are converting it into base64. So use one label and in that lable you print the value of global photo variable so as to know what is happening. Test in companion and in apk

If nothing works share your sample aia at here