How do I import kodular app in mit app inventor?

I have an issue importing kodular project in mit app inventor it shows something like this:-
How do i resolve it????


Just click "OK" and continue. Since your project is made in Kodular, the project may have compatibility issues, such as components.

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I clicked ok but nothing happened


Just wait. If your project size is large, it may take moments to load. I have attemped to wait 2 minutes to load a project.

It is showing unable to find many objects


In Kodular, there are a lot of extra components/blocks that when you load them into MIT App Inventor, they do not work. You have to remove all extra features in Kodular manually. If it still does not work, you have to build your project from scratch (i.e. rebuild your project).

Migtating from another creator is difficult because of the differences in components. Most probably you will have to re create your project because of that


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