Could you please take a look
TestProject (3).aia (166.8 KB)
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pass: Jog
Your Notification proceddure is now correct
Sorry, but no
Please show us the updated autorefresh procedure after replacing the global variable
Ok, you still are using global variables
How many times more do I have to tell you
If i do initialzie local it's getting error
Read again carefully
ok 1 min I'll try sorry I'm newbie
in this way I'll do is it correct?
To store an empty list probably does not make much sense, does it?
Also for lists, valueIfTagNotThere should be again a create empty list block...
In your autorefresh procedure you are using spreadsheetId and gridId as global variables... I would store those variables... alternatively use hardcoded values in the background procedure
I'm using 2-3 Web components so this one is specific for this
other web components are busy
my code stop working at all ;(((
Now move these blocks i to your Notification procedure and call only your Get method in your autorefresh procedure
And write your fetchMessage event handler
your event handler for the GotText event, which is called fetchMessage must have the same arguments as the GotText event
You provided a screenshot of your GotText event... Are you aware, that your GotText event will not run in the background, it is the fetchMessage event handler instead