How do I fix “There Was a Problem Parsing the Package”?

The problem with one of my apps disappeared after upgrading TaifunAlarmManager to version 5c!!!
Thanks a lot!
But unfortunately 2 of my other apps keep giving the same error even after upgrading TaifunAlarmManger. But with a high degree of probability they have a similar problem with another extension that has not been upgrated. I will compare the list of extensions and try to determine the culprit and share it here

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Another extension that needs to be updated is ITOO ItoO - Background Tasks [special] 🥳 (but I haven't found an update yet and just deleted it from the project)
SUMMARY: By upgrading TaifunAlarmManager to the version 5c and removing the ITOO extension, the problem was solved!

Is that actually the solution?
I don't think so because the affected extensions must update them to fix the problem on Android 12+.

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