How do I create an app like user can share points to another user

Anybody share blocks of this app

It does not matter if you share money or only points, the concept @ABG described is the same

Learn how to work with lists and list of lists


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You said above that you had finished with Kodular, but your aia project is built with Kodular, which is incompatible with AppInventor. You will need to create a new project with AppInventor.

I am facing some errors

This is the AppInventor community. I do not do any work on Kodular app project. As suggested, rewrite your project in Appinventor.

Use the companion app and Do it to debug your blocks, see also tip 4 here App Inventor: How to Learn | Pura Vida Apps
see also Live Development, Testing, and Debugging Tools


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

I fix the other issues
Pls add point sharing system to that aia
Iam a beginner i dont know the blocks verymuch

Plss reply
Onetoonechat.aia (465.8 KB)
This is one to one chat app how to convert this app to impliment point sharing system
sends points that means just suppose user A sends 10 from his app to user B and also suppose user S has 100 number already in his app , when A sends it becomes 110 in B’s app
Anybody add this system to that aia and sent it to me

Where should the points originate?

Are people born with a set number of points?

Is there place you can buy points?

Is there a Government Points Printing Office?

Do points have to be mined, like Bitcoin?

A button clicks points add
That points we can share to another user

How to share in app coins another device option using firebase db

How to give coins to another device
Like user can share their coins to another user
How to create this using firebase db

As originally requested, here is an app that uses CloudDB, and its ability to store and update lists.

It depends on the atomic list updates to maintain list validity across user updates.

Each user's points are the sum of all list values added to or subtracted to that user's username/points tag/value in CloudDB.


cloudDB_points.aia (6.8 KB)

Each device remembers its own user name from startup, and gets 50 points at birth.

Giving another user points reduces your own points.

You can't give more points than you own.

This is the bare bones minimum functionality.

P.S. Oops, you asked for Firebase, not CloudDB. No matter, Firebase also has list value blocks, so it should be no problem for you to add a Firebase DB and switch the CloudDB blocks to FirebaseDB blocks.


Thank you soo much💛

This errors are showing

The cloud DB error is interfering with retrieval of points.

Investigate what is interfering with the cloud DB access.

Are you still mooching off the free MIT cloud DB service?

P.s. see

Examine your cloud DB token to see if it got cleared.

You have to get your own database server.

This draggable block replacement will avoid premature points comparison before the points have been retrieved.

It does not, however address your CloudDB server problem.

You may post your exported aia file here with your new server if you need more eyes.

I changed cloud db to firebase db
But the error is coming from cloud db
Cloud db error
Permission denied
This is my aia file
cloudDB_points.aia (6.8 KB)

And also i enter the app not showing my points and not showing other users

If you are still getting errors from cloudDB you forgot to remove the cloud DB component in the designer.

That should also remove the rest of the cloudDB blocks.

Hope you backed up your project first!