this is not true as I can see the statistics, Leader Count != Power User Count
You must also prove:
- You have grey hair or hair that will turn grey within a week of becoming a Power User (bald people are exempt).
- You enjoy having to repeat yourself over and over again, helping a User to bug-fix an App that NASA would be proud of and needs to be more secure than Fort Knox, even though it's for personal use only.
- You can smell malicious intent, even when the User claims to be 9 years old
- You have an uninterruptible supply (of coffee).
You will need a short and unique monicker to distinguish yourself from the other Power Users, and to also shield your personal identity from casual pestering.
This sample has not been used yet:
Feel free to use it.
:rofla: :rofla: :rofla:
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:la gioia: :la gioia: :la gioia:
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Hmm... that's very interesting. Whenever someone signs up with their
email address they are automatically granted the MIT badge which gives them a leader badge as well. The MIT count should be much higher but I'm not sure why it only shows 9.
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