How can i do that if the "hit" get to 50 it put on a sound and open another screen?

As pointed out by @ABG...

This will never work

You need to provide the text value of a label/textbox component or a variable holding a value, to compare against your number.

I might suggest you change the = to a > as well

so how can i doprovide the text value of a label/textbox component or a variable holding a value, to compare against my number.
(im new)

Where are you currently storing the number?

what do you mean

For example:


I think I got it


Does it work ?


Is the value in hit.text greater than 50 ?

Someone needs a variable and the increment code pattern.

If you call the hit50 procedure only in the Screen Initialize event, how should it work later during runtime of your app?


Well I tried this. It worked for me.

i will try this


i tried to do this:

And I succeeded!!!! Finally!!!

Thank you all!!!


Sorry, but you're not opening screens correctly. It is recommended that you close the current screen before you open a new one to save resources, see here.

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