How can I add click and double click events on a Dynamic Table?

Hello everybody.
I 'm making an app that uses the Dynamic Table Layout and Table Listpicker .

I want to detect the click and double click event on the table but I haven't made it yet...
I have tested 3 extensions: Clic, ClickZ and ClickUtils.

To test it with
-Clic: leave it as is (the block 'initialize global useClickExtension to' is connected to the block 'Clic'). Just run it and click on the table on your device
-ClickZ: on the block 'initialize global useClickExtension to' connect the block 'ClickZ'. Run it and click on the table on your device
-ClickUtil: on the block 'initialize global useClickExtension to' connect the block 'ClickUtil'. Run it and click on the table on your device

You 'll see that with none of these extension works, like nothing is clicked!
table_test_3.aia (81.7 KB)

  1. The dynamic table is presented in the webviewer, therefore none of the extensions you have tried will work to recognise clicks in the webviewer.
  2. The dynamic table html/javascript uses the webviewstring to return a row index when a row is clicked. You could use additional javascript to return (using the webviewstring) different html elements for a single or double click on the table.

Some ideas:

Dynamic card views

Alternatively, try the Tableview extension, or build a dynamic table using a dynamic components extension.


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