You can also try
same problem it crash on the very first run of the app and closes fast
I will check it and see , i tried to import the extension to app inventor and it worked that's promising so far
thank you.
unfortunately that extension is limited in positions like there are only 9 options so it's not useful for my case.
but in his documentation it isn't clear like this so it's more than 9 positions i will try it probably this is the solution for my dilemma , i hope it doesn't crash on start up either
i built over 6 apks and didn't work for me can you share your aia file please , for the verticalarrangement i set it fill parent for both height + width but with no work the label is stuck on top left corner even with gravity 300 , 100 and others.
thanks but it's super weird on my emulator
it showed up like this even with gravity 22 , 50 , i'll try it on real device and see.
update : it worked on emulator but probably cache thing of old version of the apk stucked.
This is what it showed when I tested the AIA. Not sure if this is want @Don_Ammar wanted, though.
yes it works fine on real device but on external emulator it doesn't that's really weird
same result as yours on real device i think that is the optimal solution.
update : it worked on emulator but probably cache thing of old version of the apk stucked.
these are the integer values that can be used to change the location
is there a way to allocate or position an object via the canvas pixels system like [ X,Y ] ?
i'm still not familiar with that gravity system.
is there a way to replace image sprite object with any other ui object or label in order to use these methods ?
Not that I am aware of. The imageSprite and Ball are sub components of the canvas. other components such as labels or buttons are in no way actionable via the canvas.
Try this version (with the updated extension by @Juan_Antonio):
labelOverCanvas_3.aia (10.9 KB)
Awesome Thank you so much @Anke & @Juan_Antonio
It works perfectly without an error + great
now someone can easily accomplish a lot using Canvas
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