a sample that is easily can be accomplished with canvas + labels + font , but in any other way it will be super hard.
i know i can use sprites instead of labels but the app size will be much big than simple font which doesn't take 400 kb at maximum , instead of more than 20 images which at least it will take 900 kb or 1000 kb.
but in his documentation it isn't clear like this so it's more than 9 positions i will try it probably this is the solution for my dilemma , i hope it doesn't crash on start up either
i built over 6 apks and didn't work for me can you share your aia file please , for the verticalarrangement i set it fill parent for both height + width but with no work the label is stuck on top left corner even with gravity 300 , 100 and others.
Not that I am aware of. The imageSprite and Ball are sub components of the canvas. other components such as labels or buttons are in no way actionable via the canvas.