how? I asked how to install and run the inventor app step by step ', several people wrote, but none of them has NO CONCEPT of how it is done, they just thoughtlessly copied the code to be pasted in the terminal. why do such people write to me? I don't know something, I don't say anything.
This is the third time you have been informed about using capitals. Did you read Tim's previous post?
can you tell step by step where to put this file? I really asked one question:
Can anyone explain step by step how to install and run it? I write in capital letters to emphasize important information, but as I see everyone does not care. I asked for a step by step explanation of what to do, is there anyone who knows app inventor on Linux?
If you get cross with the world
, it is likely that the world
will just stop trying to help you
Stay calm, work through the steps, and all should become clear, and hopefully the installation process will work.
I am one of a several people on the community who uses linux, I have been using linux with AppInventor since 2013.
As I indicated in a previous post, the commands indicated worked for me (and subsequently other users) to get the AI2 emulator up and running on Linux
It is (although you could also try Stack Overflow, but they will likely point you back here...)
And you are in the MIT AppInventor community
If you get cross with the
, it is likely that theworld
will just stop trying to help you
Stay calm, work through the steps, and all should become clear, and hopefully the installation process will work.
no, no working. I dont know what i have to do.
I am one of a several people on the community who uses linux, I have been using linux with AppInventor since 2013.
if so, how to install step by step?
As I indicated in a previous post, the commands indicated worked for me (and subsequently other users) to get the AI2 emulator up and running on Linux
4 me - not.
- Open a terminal (as described above)
- Type
and press Enter - You should now be in your home directory
- Type
sudo rm -rf /usr/google/appinventor
and press Enter (you may be asked for your password) - Type
sudo rm -rf ~/.appinventor
and press Enter - Type
sudo apt-get update
and press Enter - Type
sudo apt-get upgrade
and press Enter - Type
sudo apt-get install lib32z1
and press Enter - Type
sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6
and press Enter
Now locate the directory that contains the deb file: appinventor2-setup_2.3_all.deb
You will need to cd
to that directory or copy the file to your home directory
- Type
sudo dpkg -i appinventor2-setup_2.3_all.deb
and press Enter - Type
and press Enter - Type
/usr/google/appinventor/commands-for-Appinventor/aiStarter &
and press Enter to start the AI2 Emulator Starter
Once this is running you can go to
in your browser, open a project, then click on Connect then Emulator to commence connection
If you get any errors after running any of the commands, report these back here.
how? I can't paste anything into "home" directory, there is no option "paste" in this directory. It is impossible.
"wklej" in menu is "paste". I cant do it.
Is pan
your username ?
If so double click on that to open that folder (which is your home directory)
then you should be able to paste?
so paste in computer/home directory or in my computer/home/username directory?
can you be precise and explain where should i paste this file exactly?
in your computer/home/username directory
sudo dpkg -i appinventor2-setup_2.3_all.deb
(Reading database ... 213611 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack appinventor2-setup_2.3_all.deb ...
Unpacking appinventor2-setup (2.3) over (2.3) ...
Configuring the appinventor2-setup (2.3) package ...
pan @ pan-H61M-D2-B3: ~ $ cd
pan @ pan-H61M-D2-B3: ~ $ / usr / google / appinventor / commands-for-Appinventor / aiStarter &
[1] 49484
pan @ pan-H61M-D2-B3: ~ $ Bottle server starting up (using WSGIRefServer ()) ...
Listening on
Hit Ctrl-C to quit.
Shutdown ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 129, in <module>
File "/home/mckinney/Development/repo/mit-cml/appinventor-setup/Linux/aiStarter/build/aiStarter/out00-PYZ.pyz/bottle", line 2389, in run
File "/home/mckinney/Development/repo/mit-cml/appinventor-setup/Linux/aiStarter/build/aiStarter/out00-PYZ.pyz/bottle", line 2086, in run
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/wsgiref/", line 144, in make_server
File "/home/mckinney/Development/repo/mit-cml/appinventor-setup/Linux/aiStarter/build/aiStarter/out00-PYZ.pyz/SocketServer", line 419, in __init__
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/wsgiref/", line 48, in server_bind
File "/home/mckinney/Development/repo/mit-cml/appinventor-setup/Linux/aiStarter/build/aiStarter/out00-PYZ.pyz/BaseHTTPServer", line 108, in server_bind
File "/home/mckinney/Development/repo/mit-cml/appinventor-setup/Linux/aiStarter/build/aiStarter/out00-PYZ.pyz/SocketServer", line 430, in server_bind
File "/home/mckinney/Development/repo/mit-cml/appinventor-setup/Linux/aiStarter/build/aiStarter/out00-PYZ.pyz/socket", line 224, in meth
socket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use
Killed adb
emulator: no process found
emulator64-arm: no process found
Killed emulator
and, not working.
Did you run CTRL-C
no, i only wrote command:
/usr/google/appinventor/commands-for-Appinventor/aiStarter &
thats is last thing i've made.
OK, it looks like there is a leftover process running on that port. Try closing the terminal, then open the terminal again, and try running the last command /usr/google/appinventor/commands-for-Appinventor/aiStarter &
pan @ pan-H61M-D2-B3: ~ $ pan @ pan-H61M-D2-B3: ~ $ / usr / google / appinventor / commands-for-Appinventor / aiStarter &
[1] 50118
pan @ pan-H61M-D2-B3: ~ $ Bottle server starting up (using WSGIRefServer ()) ...
Listening on
Hit Ctrl-C to quit.
Shutdown ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 129, in <module>
File "/home/mckinney/Development/repo/mit-cml/appinventor-setup/Linux/aiStarter/build/aiStarter/out00-PYZ.pyz/bottle", line 2389, in run
File "/home/mckinney/Development/repo/mit-cml/appinventor-setup/Linux/aiStarter/build/aiStarter/out00-PYZ.pyz/bottle", line 2086, in run
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/wsgiref/", line 144, in make_server
File "/home/mckinney/Development/repo/mit-cml/appinventor-setup/Linux/aiStarter/build/aiStarter/out00-PYZ.pyz/SocketServer", line 419, in __init__
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/wsgiref/", line 48, in server_bind
File "/home/mckinney/Development/repo/mit-cml/appinventor-setup/Linux/aiStarter/build/aiStarter/out00-PYZ.pyz/BaseHTTPServer", line 108, in server_bind
File "/home/mckinney/Development/repo/mit-cml/appinventor-setup/Linux/aiStarter/build/aiStarter/out00-PYZ.pyz/SocketServer", line 430, in server_bind
File "/home/mckinney/Development/repo/mit-cml/appinventor-setup/Linux/aiStarter/build/aiStarter/out00-PYZ.pyz/socket", line 224, in meth
Killed emulator no process found
Closed terminal, opened again.
not working.
Hmmm, the program appears to be starting up OK, but not sure why it is then shutting itself down?
Might require input from the AI2 devs, unlikely to get a response tonight, with the SuperBowl on right now
Will assign, you will just have to be patient.
You could try restarting your computer, and running the command again....
thanks for help, but I think nobody will help with it. Rather, I'm going to waste more time and nerves on this before I trigger it. And I thought that I would program myself from blocks. But without the emulator, there is no point in compiling the program every now and then and installing it on the phone to check how it works.
pan@pan-H61M-D2-B3:~$ /usr/google/appinventor/commands-for-Appinventor/aiStarter &
[1] 3318
pan@pan-H61M-D2-B3:~$ Bottle server starting up (using WSGIRefServer())...
Listening on
Hit Ctrl-C to quit.
and in web when i try to connect with emulator:
The aiStarter helper does not appear to be running
Need Help?
OK, well done, getting closer
The installation appears to now be working OK, and starting up, but now not connecting....
(Did you have a project open ?)
The Need Help
link doesn't really help because it just takes you to the AI2 home page.
This page:
though Windows-centric may offer some things you can try...
Yes, project was open when i tried to connect. I'll tried with closed project too- nothing.