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Мне надо сделать MaxScore в игре про крота


Welcome Саша.

What code have you tried so far?

Do you want to save the best score of a user of your app or the high scores of any player?
You might use a TinyDB to save the score. How to Save Max Scores in TinyDB

These tutorials might help

Any player. this is the main game. All that remains is to make the best result of any player, I don’t understand how to do this

Sorry your Block image is not readable

How to download blocks Use just the section Exporting Blocks.

Without being able to read your Blocks I created a generalized way of saving the highest score achieved on a device for any game app assuming the most recent score is called score.

It is simple. You do need to add a TInyDB to your Project. Button2 and the TextBox are included only to simulate the most recent score for testing the algorithm. The other Blocks look at the highest score achieved so far and see whether the most recent score is higher. If higher, the score in the TinyDB is replaced and will be remembered as the highest score.

Create the code and try it. If this is what you want to do adapt the example for your purposes and include the code presently in Button1 to decide what to do. You also need to add the Initial Blocks to your code.