Help Needed for Creating (and sharing with a friend) an iOS App from an Android App

I hope this message finds you well!

I am currently working on a laptop with Windows 10 and have developed an application using MIT App Inventor, which is available for Android devices. I would like to make my app compatible with iOS devices (iPhones and iPads).

Since I understand that MIT App Inventor does not fully support creating IPA files for iOS, I am seeking guidance on how to adapt my app for iOS.

Specifically, I would appreciate help with the following:

  1. Are there any recommended methods or steps for converting an app from Android to iOS?
  2. Are there any cross-platform tools or frameworks that integrate with MIT App Inventor and could facilitate the process?

I would greatly appreciate any advice, suggestions, or resources you can share.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Best regards,
Dimitris Stratouris

ios currently does not have all the Android tools working (and some never will be implemented) Be aware you cannot use FirebaseDB with ios at the present.

This link shows which Android features are available or not available with ios on App Inventor

This supposedly guides you through making an ios app Building Apps for iOS with MIT App Inventor

You can also search the community for links to discussions of current ios issues by using the grey magnifying glass in the upper right of this screen to search for ios .

I don't want to upload it to the App Store, I just want a friend of mine to have it (e.g. as an Apple apk so they can access it without installing it from the App Store). Is this possible? Does Apple Developer need to be present?

According to the Building Apps for iOS with MIT App Inventor link, you will need an active Apple Developer License. While this is typically $99/year, non-profit and educational organizations can often get a waiver for the fee. Every iOS app is signed using a private key and a certificate. The certificate is signed by Apple, and iOS devices will only install apps signed by a certificate signed by Apple. .

Someone who builds for ios might be able to point you to a 'free' way. The MIT advice is pretty specific. :frowning_face: I interpret this to indicate your friend might need a developer license too but I don't know. Good luck.

This is possible but you still need to have an active Apple Developer license. Every iOS device has a unique device identifier (UDID). If your friend sends you the UDID for their device, you can add it to your account and create Ad Hoc builds you can share with them. You'll want to read the sections "Add Device(s)", "Create Profile", and "Note on Device IDs" in the Building Apps for iOS with MIT App Inventor document.

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