I think the code that @TIMAI2 proposes is a better suggestion, here I put a code based on the KIO4_DecoJson extension that is a bit more complicated to configure.
For lack of real JSON for this problem, here is a generalized header-driven table extractor, that can work off arbitrary nested list and dictionary trees.
I included 3 samples:
a random web driven Open Trivia result
The OP's lazy JSON sample
a recalcitrant XML weather sample, that reuses headers across all levels, foiling this approach.
The extract_table_helper is recursive, and searches for the given headers breadth_first, before it dives into lists and dictionary sub-values.
The result table is passed as a reference parameter all the way down the recursion stack, to allow the result table to be updated whenever the last header on the headers list is encountered.
A dictionary of the current running header values is passed up and down the recursion stack.
This scheme relies on the headers being passed in major/minor order. table_extractor.aia (6.0 KB)