Help cant package an apk because server error could not build target please try again later

Probably the assets are too large? Max project size on the main server is 30 MB

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i cant even export it to aia :frowning:

is there a main server that exceeds 30 MB?

Did you upload a video file to the assets (media section)? Delete it and follow this guide


no i only use images and mp3 no video files

How large are your mp3 files in total?

The code server is up to 50 MB


I do the same in many of my Play Store and iOS apps, and these apps are between 60-150MB. So I have no choice but to do it as @Taifun suggested if I want the MP3s in the assets (i.e., in internal storage) and not have them downloaded the first time the app is launched.

its low too only like 1.3 MB, 43kb, 73kb

but my images is like 2-4 MB each and have alot per screen so im doing is compressing them 1 by 1 like reducing the file size and keep the quality to see if it works again

See tip 2 here


ohh the pixels affects the size hmm but when its my first time doing this thing when i upload my image when i made it in canva (not paid its like u can drag something when u download to increase the px and quality) its so blurry thats why i up the px and the quality maybe thats the problem?

i see it on my jpg its like 6000 x 3375 pixel per each image

do you know what pixel to not have a blurry background image like for canva?

cause i tried once more its so blurry

Read again tip 2

thx its working again but why i cant import my aia file to the code server? sadly my work is like 31MB

Delete an image, upload the project, then add the image again

