Having trouble sending a Downloaded File from CustomWebView to an external application

Hey! I'm new here, and this is my first post ever. I've been writing an app for about a week and I got stuck working on Sending a .txt file downloaded from CustomWebView (With Downloadhelper) to an external Application.. Any help would be nice figuring out what I've done wrong and how I can improve. I've never used the Activity Starter and mostly got code from other sources. Thanks in advance.

Hi @Woohoo18 ,
It looks like you are not using the latest version.
You can download v12 from here:

After updating extension, you'll find that GetUriForDownloadedFile has been replaced with GetUriString. Now, replace entire join block with GetUriString block.

For some reason, when Updating my WebView Extension, the Download Block gives an error: "com.sunny.CustomWebView.DownloadHelper.Download(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)' has too few arguments (5; must be 6)". Also, when I use the GUessFileName, It also gives off an error, saying it doesn't recognize that block.

I Re-started my AI-companion and it works as expected; no errors. However, When I try to share it to my app of choice, I get a thin, green loading bar in the center of the screen. I've let it load for a while and it doesn't load the app, nor share the file. This also happened when I used the previous code I first posted.