@Diggio3000 it is all there in post 4 in this thread.
ok ti ringrazio mille, ti volevo chiedere delle info.
Io sto cercando di creare un applicazione per il mio piccolo magazzino come questa nel video del lik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8HklSJ5cy4
che modifiche dovrei apportare?
grazie mille ancora della vostra gentilezza.
Either follow the instructions in that video or the info in my links (ct-tricks possibly used much the same code)
I want to ask a question. First I want to thanks for tutorials and help everybody.
You are a good man.
I created a mini app. İt send data in google spreadsheets. I have a table and But I can not read it. I want to read with vlookup (similar excel). Only specific lines.
Some methods and ideas for you…
it is send to google spreadsheet but I want to read specifit line. I have a data and I want to get the desired lines according to the data.
like that line scanning application.
It will be similar to vlookup in excel.
thanks. I will try it. Please a send me simple tutorial app.
just line search is enough.
How can I get such a file extension on my google spreadsheets. where is this extension available?
https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbyyy6QcNzv2d4TQZ629GBBH3Fjzf-wUDlQVwpPfT1701rZdxzM/exec?ID=15NcxMHF1_6uasov30k4fFoBArc-tzMNhyMqx_A2eSFg&SH=Student_Points_List&SQL=select B,C,D where D matches ‘Maroon’
There is no extension, follow the example above, you create a google apps script.
How to write this data ? Can you send me orginal spreadsheet file because I will look file adress.
hello, I write codes on script app. And it always give mistake.
How can I do it?
Can you mini simple for read a spreadsheet and sort it?
I want to sort data on spreadsheet. Only read
What codes? How can we help if you do not show us what your are trying to do....?
Can you end me full script codes?
I run it and runnig your codes. But I didnt’t with my scripts codes. Not connect.
The example you link to contains the full script.
If you have changed this then you need to show your script code here. We may also need to see your blocks and your spreadsheet, because all three elements need to be correct for this to work.
Remember, if you make any changes to a google apps script, you have to update the script with a NEW version. The script should by “owned” by you, and accessible for “anyone, even anonymous”.
this my examle file, I write my simple İD. my id is different because we use random ID.
it is my script codes.
it is my codes in mit app inventor.
normaly I changed my script address. can you say me we direct copy script address or add last sentence a codes.
thanks all answers
Try removing the first two functions from your script (don’t forget to update with new version)
If you are running the script from the project editor then you are not providing any parameters. This is normal.