Google sheet auto sort script code needed!

The result from the database is s list of lists
Each list item of the main list is a row
To remove the first row means to remove rhe first item

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

To get an image of your blocks, right click in the Blocks Editor and select "Download Blocks as Image". You might want to use an image editor to crop etc. if required. Then post it here in the community.


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

good morning taifun
here is a small simple project to understand the concept, lets show me how to fix it

as you know when i press on the listview selection, the another query should work to show the another elements from the sheet, name and phone number

so lets show me how can i make it worked to show all other labels while selecting the listview selection

i added queries in buttons to make it easy while selecting the listview selection as it will be permanent not to be changed anymore just to fix it and to get the right where query

Please provide the aia file

alright, will send it

here is the file i had to translate it to English
gVizQueryDemo_1 (1).aia (9.7 KB)

Here is your updated example
gVizQueryDemoTaifun.aia (5.8 KB)

sending the first sql statement to the database

sending the second sql statement to the database after picking a row


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Oh wow, thanks so much for your genius blocks, i would never do same blocks without your help,
one last thing please, i need when select the listview 1 selection, the listview 2 seletions can be selected as well something like that

so i can transfer the data from the listview 2 with selecting the listview 1

same as the screenshot above so when i select the listview 1 selection, both listview 2 selections can be marked

Are you sure?

For multi select see here

and try for example the table viewer method


Alright, i will figure it out, thanks for your support

Hi Taifun,
sorry for annoying you
How can i make that achieved?
when i select the listview 1 selection, all shown listview 2 can be selected automatically

ah, you are back again...

the suggestion was to use one of the multi select examples
what did you try?
and you always can add a checkbox which says "select all detail data"


i just don't understand the concept for checking using the multi select and even if it worked, how can i make select all?

even the extension example is only for components not listviews

Is there a way to add a checkbox and to make it connected with the listview selections?
so when i mark on the checkbox, all listview selections can be selected

@ABG, the author of that solution might be able to help...

As always first try to understand the concept in a small example project before including it in your project


Yes you are right, we deserves trying to learn
Alrght, Hi @ABG lets show me any method or extension, so i can add a checkbox for listviews and make select all, all i want is to make the related listview2 selections to listview1 selections, same as the screenshot below,

you can also check my blocks for multiselection to fix what it needs

thanks both of you for your support

AI2 ListViews were not designed for keeping track of multiple selections.

That is left for the app author to do, behind the scenes, in a data base or list(s).

You can represent multiple selections in different ways, depending on how they help achieve the objectives of the app.

It is usually better to pick one method and not mix them.

  1. Keep a separate list of the items that was selected. This is good for short selection lists out of a much larger list. You could supplement this with a list of items that were NOT selected.

  2. Keep two parallel lists of items,
    a. A true/false value to indicate selected
    b. The item to be selected or not

What you show in one or more ListViews should just be a reflection of what you keep behind the scenes.

can you show me blocks examples for your suggestion please ?

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