Get the maximum with my app

Hi everybody!
I’ve been working hard on my app for months and now it’s nearly ready.
It’s a usefull app for people who work in bar, disco and cocktail bars.
I have more than a few request to purchase the app already and my question is:
How can I get the max profit from it?
I thought about:

  • ads (but i know mit app doesn’t support ads yet)
  • work on a free and pro version (but how does it work to get the event for received payment?)
  • just keep a pro version (what would be a good price?)

Any suggestions?
Thank you very much.

With respect to these, you might want to check out older threads, such as this one, or some external blog posts that already tackled the problem as this is quite a common topic. App Inventor does not support ads & in-app payments on it's own (although it is possible with a WebViewer component theoretically). Generally, you'll more than likely want an extension to handle this for you (or even further, a distribution such as Kodular that already implements monetization extensions)

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Thank you very much for your help!
In case i dont want to put ads on my app and i just want to to provide a free app but that can be upgraded by paying, how does it work?
Do i need to set some variables true/false for certain blocks, and just when someone has paid those variables in blocks can be swapped,
Or I need to set two different apps one free and one pro?

Thank you very much for your kind help

In my view, a cut-down free version of your App might not attract that much interest - it either does the job fully or not for this type of task, right? You could perhaps have a money-back guarantee on a full version.

What I suggest you do is check out your competitors on Google Play and Amazon. That should help you get your price right, and see what the market generally does. In a busy bar, interruptions by adverts would not be great, so if competitors use ads, there is your chance to standout from the crowd.

Do you have your own website? I ask because what will make you App sell is a strong advert for it on a professional-looking site and alongside that a page where your customers can request help/enhancements and report problems. Google require a link to information about the App in any case.

Do you have people to test your App before it is launched? It’s vital to cut-down bugs and oversights as much as you can.

Thank you very much for your help Chris.

Yes I own a professional website where i can push my app, and it will work good.

I have already done this research about my competitors and app like mine are not born yet. There are few apps which do very little in compare.

The App have been tested already by few colleagues of mine, and it works great. No bugs at all.

In case I want to share a free and a Pro version, what should I do? Coding two different apps, uploading both of them on app store and make the user download the Pro version once he has payed or I need just to make one and upgrade itself afterwards?

Thank you very much for your help.

an in app billing extension is available here App Inventor Extensions: Billing | Pura Vida Apps


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

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Thank you very much for your help taifun (i’m an huge fan of yours).

Your link is exactly what i needed.