Introduce ToolUI extension
An extension that controls bars like status and navigation bar
Made from : niotron ide
Works on : android 5 to android 15 or higher
Tested on : android 14 and 12
Block document
An block that changes the color of the status or navigation
Unsupported colors
- orange
- pink
Input = any color but not as a number, for example
And others
Shows all the bars even if its transparent or else
But unfortunately, it doesent set the color bars to default
Hides navigation and transparent status bar
Hides the navigation bar only
Hides the status bar and navigation bar
Transparent the navigation bar
Transparent the status bar
Removes a notch
But when you trigger it, nothing will happen, you just need to landscape your phone then the notch of the side of the screen app, will be removed and if you even portirate your phone, the notch will still be removed but both the status and navigation is transparented
Extension file =
ToolUIl.aix (6.5 KB)
Test file =
coming soon....
Java txt =
Until someone asks for the java txt
For the remove notch block
@SimpleFunction(description = "")
Public void RemoveNotch(){
WindowManager.LayoutParams params = activity.getWindow().getAttributes();
params.layoutInDisplayCutoutMode = WindowManager.LayoutParams.LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAT_CUTOUT_MODE_SHORT_EDGES;
Note : having a problem with the extension, tell me so i can fix the extension again
Have a good day.