[FREE] Network Extension! 🌏

I'm trying to figure out the problem...

Can you show your different blocks? I want to put them against my code to see.

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.isMobileConnected returns only true if there is no WiFi connection.


What Android device are you using?

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I tested it on a Galaxy Note8 (Android 9).

This block does not work on devices > = Android 9. Google deprecated the method. I'll try to find other solutions to it that work on Android > = 9.

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As I said, I tested it on Android 9 (API 28):


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Sorry, my bad, I meant devices > = 28.


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But without WiFi connection:


Exactly what I said before:

That's strange.

I published a new version, does that work for you?

If it still doesn't work for you, I'm going to PM you the code.

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In entrambi i casi mi dice che sono abilitati WiFi e Roaming; ma in nessun caso mi dice che oltre al WiFi, sono anche abilitati i Dati.

Great Extension dood

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I used Google's Connectivity Manager. I don't know if there are errors in that.

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This extension is added to my website. For more information, check that out.

Wish you all have a happy 2022.


Tanti auguri di buon 2022 anche a te


New update!

Fixed IsRoaming and IsWiFiConnected blocks. They now should work on devices with Android > 8.

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Hi All,

I am using the Network Extension showed here, but I've noticed that it does not work in devices with Android 13. Has someone faced this? If so, has got a solution or indicate another extension? What I need from this extension is to check both WIFI and Internet.

You could try this:

However, I am sure @gordonlu310 will find a fix...

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Hi Kleyber,

This extension is no longer supported. Please try other extensions.

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