[FREE] LottieView Extension in your app online data

@Rich_Want thank..
any way to support offline then inform you

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I think it maybe hard to make extension using android sdk of lottie because it has a large size

PS : Now Possible


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Ultimately the problem was not the expansion but why these blocks do not work :thinking:.

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URL should directly point to the JSON file.

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Votre extension LOTTIE est très intéressante. Mais pour une application que je crée avec Mit App Inventor, j aurais besoin de faire apparaître une image animée d'un fichier JSON qui est en fichier ressource de l application.

Par contre votre extension ne peut lire que des fichier JSON en provenance d une URL. Y a t il un moyen de lire un fichier JSON en fichier ressource de l application sans passer par une URL ?



Won't Hijack this topic, soon some surprise coming from my side for all people who wish to use Lottie in their MIT Appinventor apps


Cool extension @TechHamara! :wink:


Will this extension work in companion?

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ya, it will as it uses webview but wont work offline :frowning:

It is right.

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Fine... It works in Companion :wink:
But why this emoji?

its not for offline and doesnt offer pause/resume stuff, anyways, i appreciate owner of aix, he was first one to solve lottie animations issue for ai2

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when I build the application the animation doesn't appear in the application that I built, can you help me?