[Free] ⚠ ImageNotifier

These blocks (thanks @Anke) work with a compiled app on Android 13 (the image is border.png, and is copied to the ASD for use by the notifier)

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why have to copy to "App"? can not read from the "Asset"?

This is possible in companion, but I don't believe the extension handles asset paths when compiled.

OK thanks!

In the demonstration, it does not mention the image file types supported for the base64String.

The extension uses BitmapFactory, so should work for jpg, png and webp.

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Suggestions for v5:

Set Background and Text Colour
Set Font Size

This comes from the theme, not going there :wink:

You could try html, this is based on the standard notifier....

Font sizes come from standard notifier (android dialog), they are sufficient as they are , imho.

I provide the java source code, you are welcome to fork / develop :wink:

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@TIMAI2 Could you share a working sample in the AIA file?


altNotifierDemo.aia (67.8 KB)
(path defined in blocks will only work in companion app)

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Thank you working like a charm