Thanks GordonLu
No unfortunately. Return blocks are convenient, but void blocks means that it will take time to get data, and will not be returned immediately.
For example:
TinyDB's GetValue block is a return block because it can be accessed as soon as possible, works offline.
CloudDB's GetValue block is a void block because it takes time (milliseconds) to access the cloud.
Wait what ?
How much time will it take ?
Cuz I need to get the data ASAP after the button click, as the procedures are dependant solely on that data.
If connection is slow, seconds.
How can I make a Popup display then to show :
Waiting for data.
If I get this solution, the time would not be a problem.
You could use the Progress Dialog from the notifier. Set this in your "GET" and close it in the return event.
I'm making a different topic for this actually.
Use a Notifier's ShowProgressDialog block.
call GSConnected1.GetRangeData(rangeRef = something);
call Notifier1.ShowProgressDialog(message = "Loading data...", title = "Loading...")
when GSConnected. GetFunctionOutput {
if (event = GetRangeData) {
set variable to output;
call Notifier1.DismissProgressDialog;
Thank you for the video, it was very helpful.
You should give names to your spreadsheet and script, and save your script before deploying.
I do not see you being asked to authenticate your web app against your account (to give permission to access google sheets and google drive). Try creating a new version
of the script to see if it asks you to authenticate.
Ok I will see it and soon I will create a video on this
What e-mail should I add to Manage People and Links
Asking cuz, I don't want Anyone with the link
to be even a Viewer
. It is because it may
contain some sensitive
and private
data in the future
, which must not be leaked.
(I haven't used it still cuz it's not the right time for me to use this extension, as the app I'm making requires me to gather many resources [mostly made by me, actually].)
Where does this occur?
Are you referring to the spreadsheet or the script, and at what point in the process?
If you are talking about the spreadsheet, I think you do not need to share this with everyone, since the script is executed as you, and you are the one who is editing the spreadsheet.
I'm referring to the spread sheet.
I think you do it need to share this with everyone.
Wait, do you mean do not
or I actually have to do it
Gonna test things right now.
It's a typo. Fixed it.
Thanks for the confirmation.
For a single cell use the get cell method, not the get range method
But the SetDataToCell method is also not working.