[FREE] FluxGenerator Extension: AI Images for free daily with support for consistent characters using seeds

Please stop its going offtopic

Giving extensions free doesn't make you great or gain more sells.

It was just an edit made to the main topic as a result it was appeared on top of community. There was no intention of advertising as I mentioned in that topic and it was just misunderstanding. So it was listed again. You can see this example what will happen if you advertise!

Yes that's appreciable, I didn't made any comments on your efforts.

May I know on which of your topics I have made bad comments? I barely posts on the community.

Tha's why I said you this:

I don't have any personal issues with anyone here. I was just talking about practical things. It's on you how you want to take it as learning or ignore it.

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Hi Techxsarthak, you seem to be providing extensions for APIs that look pretty straight forward to implement in App Inventor.

AppInventor is an education first platform, and we encourage users (who are mostly students) to do things themselves (DIY) without relying on extensions.

So any simple extension, that is only a wrap-around an API, does not add value to the community.

Moreover, as others pointed out, you could instead just provide an .aia example demonstrating the use of the API. But that's against your commercial interests.

I'd say you shouldn't really be using this text of mine unless you are maintaining FOSS projects :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I'd say you are a very talented developer but you are not investing your potential in the right place to make a difference. Try to imagine the world much beyond these simple API wrap-around extensions.


Yes maybe this model is easy to implement as this is v1 but in next version I am adding lora models that require multipart uploads and parsing. See the site for details

This is simple as of now but will add a lot of value starting from the next update

There are many api wrappers, chatgpt, groqtext or gemini are some of them. they are valuable for the users who dont know much about coding and makes things simpler for them. Its not that api extensions are always simple to make :hugs:

I use this phrase in my free extensions where I add value to the platform and I don't think of a reason to use it only for FOSS projects.

Thanks brother

I have imagined hence I have built extensions using opencv that are far away from being just a simple api

Everyone has commercial interests that is why there isn't a single free onesignal or fcm extension :wink: even though based on api's :sweat_smile:

You just can't stop arguing with everybody. Can you. Don't compare yourself to @Kumaraswamy he contributed a lot to this community. Also the extension you are referring to isn't just post to an api and get the result. I have seen your other extension listing where you were just arguing with others. Drop the attitude pal because you will not make friends around here