[Free] Flash Extension- Control Flashlight without Camera permission

Testing the APK is completely free if you like the extension then do buy it for only 2$

But when I tried it asks 1$+,
So only i messaged here

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It was a bug and is now fixed

The extension is now Free for everyone! Thanks for such an overwhelming response almost 5 people tested the extension apk. So I would like to offer the extension for free!

Can any moderator please change the title to Free! I am not getting an option

Done, the title has changed to free.

However, you need to change this:

Idk but im not getting the option to edit the post

Why edit options disappeared

You need to click on the 3 dots to show you more options, it should appear there, at the end of the topic.

Not visible

A moderator can edit it for you

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but why I can't see the options

It is a discourse timeout thing, based upon user level.

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Ok thanks

Thanks TechHamara, Aywa, Bidder, hero, banzai, srek, farkas for claiming my extension within the past few hours. Your support motivates me to make more such extensions!

Add feature for check isFlashLightOn?

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Sure in the next update

Changelog V1.1

Added Features recommended by @HarshVardhanSolanki along with some more :smile:

  1. Added Block to check if flashlight is available in the device
  2. Added Block to detect the status of flash

See the updated documentation above

Great You are a best feedback actioner!!!!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

actioner = action taker

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