[FREE] DeviceUtils - To get some info about your device! 📱

Hello inventors, :wave:
Today, I am going to present my new extension which is DeviceUtils.
Small, but useful !


AndroidVersion -  Returns the version of your android device.

SdkVersion - Returns the SDK version of your android device.

BaseOs - Returns the base OS build the product is based on.

CodeName - Returns the current development codename, or the string "REL" if this is a release build.

Incremental - Returns the internal value used by the underlying source control to represent this build. E.g., a perforce changelist number or a git hash.

PreviewSdkVersion - Returns the developer preview revision of a prerelease SDK. This value will always be 0 on production platform builds/devices.

SecurityPatch - Returns the user-visible security patch level. This value represents the date when the device most recently applied a security patch.

New blocks in v3 -

Example Usage:




V1 (4.6 KB)
V2 (4.6 KB)
V3 (6.5 KB)

Aia - DeviceUtils.aia (5.3 KB)

Note - Somtimes, Base OS is returned as empty  string .

Thanks !


Good extension

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Thank you @preetvadaliya ! :slightly_smiling_face:

That's good.
You are learning slowly.

However, you should rename extension to DeviceUtils.


Thank you @vknow360 !

For sure :slightly_smiling_face:.

And that can't be an update, but a new version, because the packageName is then changed.


New version v2 released ! :partying_face:

Renamed the extension and changed the package name. :sweat_smile:

DeviceUtils.aix (4.6 KB)


Wow Good Job :partying_face:

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Thank you @Salman_Dev ! :blush:

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just name modification == new Version?

you could instead update aix in first post and change blocks

Nice aix :+1:

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Thank you @Know_About_IT ! :slightly_smiling_face:

Great Extension @Aquib_Khan

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Thank you @SRIKAR_B.S.S ! :slightly_smiling_face:

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There might be a possible way to change a setting from java, so maybe try coding it?

New version 3 released ! :partying_face:

New blocks -

DeviceUtils.aix (6.5 KB)

(First post also updated)


Why I have Runtime Error...
Requires READ_PHONE_STATE:Neither user 10011 nor current process has android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE.

-I have try block with and without AskForPermission
-I try on android 5.1.1


@Ronald I think, this method is not supported on your device...

BTW, Are you using companion ? If yes, then try it in apk. If it doesn't work in apk also, then it means that this method is not supported on your device...


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I dont use companion... I use apk direct to my android...

Its OK If its not support to my android... Thanks...