Sorry, the internet was a bit laggy, editing error...
It is fine
Posts updated, thank you.
the topic image is still wrong
but it's ok
thanks for fixing it
good updt!
I haven't finished that yet, I'm working on my writing.
I uploaded two videos about this extension onto YouTube. Watch these to better understand my extension!
Version 13!
Returns the battery capacity.
Returns: number (double)
Turns off Bluetooth without user interaction.
Turns on Bluetooth without user interaction.
Turns a string value into a hexadecimal value.
Returns: string
Parameters: string = text
Bluetooth functions made Open Source!
Import this:
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter;
Add this:
@UsesPermissions(permissionNames = "android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE, " + "android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN")
@SimpleFunction (description = "Turns on Bluetooth without user interaction.")
public void EnableBluetooth() {
@SimpleFunction (description = "Turns off Bluetooth without user interaction.")
public void DisableBluetooth() {
That's it!
The new methods work really well! Thank you for the amazing extension.
good update!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These updates will NEVER EVER end!
(why I can't like the post 7 times? )
But just the version code...
it would be better if you can rename your extension from 'device' to 'deviceUtilities'
Other extension developers used that name. I don't want to confuse others, so that's why I chose that name.
its ok no problem
Version 14 available!
New blocks:
Returns the IP address of the device.
Returns: text
Parameters: useIpV4 = boolean
Returns true if ADB debugging is enabled, which might be a sign of users hacking your app.
Returns: boolean
I will update the original post and website info later.
Website and post updated, please tell me if I did not edit something. Thank you!
nice update!
Sure, no problem. Send me the code in PM please.